A New Era Begins...

Traditional pension processing system was manual and paper based. It took more time to generate a solution for every pension case. Pensioners are really at a stake due to their old age complexity and weakness. Although the accounts office tries hard and soul for making the process fast as well as we see offline or ‘Brick-and-Mortar’ system reached its maximum output but still cannot make faster demanded in today’s business. On the other hand, government has different funds for the people in our country but for the government service holders we have “General Provident Fund (GPF)”. it is the only fund where government service holders deposit their own money into the government fund and government amplifies this fund for the betterment of the service holders. Office of the Chief Accounts and Fund Management, Pension and Fund Management (OCAFO P&FM) is destined to manage the pension, GPF and other funds smoothly through online media and better service delivery up to the doorsteps. However, to get a bird’s eye view of this office (OCAFO P&FM) and its huge activities, you can go through the website.

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    Segunbagicha, Dhaka-1000
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